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Yet another new product from WLHG !

The Group is pleased to announce the availablity of a third CD product – “Property Sales”, being a unique collection of rare sales documents In the early 1900s a number of major sales of land and property occurred. The majority of sale items were as a result of the Stansted…
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Meetings Update

Details are firming up ! At the November 4th Meeting (7.30 pm), Group Members will hold demonstrations of Genealogy, DNA and Surname distribution and Newspaper searching tools together with local history tools including Surveys from 1640 on, HER records, Graveyard records and the Search Engine of Chichester Records office. These…
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Keeping in touch

Part of our updated approach has been to create a new contact list so we can keep our friends briefed about our activities. Data Protection rules have caused us to ask all wishing to join to give us express permision to hold contact details. If you would like to be…
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Winter Open Meetings

It seems a long time ago that we unveiled our aim to re-shape the History Group to be more outgoing and involving. We have been working on it and we can now announce the bones of the plan for our first set of open meetings. Thank you for your patience.…
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A Drone joined our Group !

The very dry summer caused Roger Wilding to hunt for some-one with a photo drone to fly over sites of interest to him in the hope of revealing details of old foundations and similar. He was very lucky to find that the village has a professional photographer with drones (Brian…
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Parish Assembly June 18  2022

The Group will have a Stand at the Parish Assembly on June 18 Do pop by. We have forms available for those wishing to add their details to our contact list, so they can be informed of our future (increased) public activities. Or just come for a History natter. Hope…
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The Group has continued in much the same format since it’s inception in 1978 as a group of potential authors of booklets about Westbourne history. There have been occasional History exhibitions, all well received and latterly causing an influx of new members, but the Group struggled to find a method…
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Peter Wilkinson, our Chairman for many years, has decided to step back from the role. We are honoured and delighted that he has accepted the position of President. Thus we hope to continue to benefit from his massive knowledge and experience. Peter was a founder member of the Group in…
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