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Photos of Westbourne Past

Below is a collection of images that have been gathered over time.

Westbourne Local History Group has assumed responsibility for maintaining and organising this collection. The images are a mixture of those which existed before our take-over, donations from the public and a few from organisations and old books. If we have failed to obtain permissions that we should have please get in touch and the matter will be corrected.

The initial two main tasks that we set ourselves are complete.

The first was to add a descriptive label to each photo. The second was to structure the presentation so that, for example, all photos of the Church are gathered together. They have also been organised in a kind of geographic order

Now we need help to grow this section.  There are several gaps in the collection thus new photos or opportunities to copy photos are very much welcome.

Information about photos is equally welcome – if you know who is in the photo, when and where it was taken or any other data of interest, please make contact.  And do tell us if we have something wrong !

The labels are colour coded.  If we are confident about the content the label is yellow.  If additional information is needed, the label is orange.  If we know little or nothing and really would like some help, the label is red.


To help, please contact Roger Wilding –  whose details are given on the History Group Home Page – or any Group officer.